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Explore Horizons with Guided Motorcycle Tours

The Best in Guided Motorcycle Tours Across the Length and Breadth of Indian Sub-Continent, and beyond, on Royal Enfield Motorcycles

Reclaim your passion for riding as you discover the magic of thrilling road trips with our carefully curated selection of guided motorcycle tours and jeep safaris. Choose from a wide range of options in guided motorcycle tours that cover the length and breadth of this incredible country, including Rajasthan, Kerala, Goa, and Ladakh. Also, explore new frontiers in adventure travel with guided motorcycle tours in Vietnam and Nepal.

Chase Horizons with Guided Motorcycle Tours

Fixed Itinerary Guided Motorcycle Tours

Choose from one of our specially curated Guided Motorcycle Tours. Everything is taken care of: Motorcycles, Fuel, Routes, Guides, Accommodation, Full Backup Support. All you need to do is pick your adventure!

Flexible Itinerary Guided Motorcycle Tours

Everything is the same as in our Fixed Itinerary Tours, except, YOU choose the dates when you want to travel. Even Better!

Xtreme Adventures

Been there, done that?! Perpetually seeking that elusive adrenaline rush that sets your heart racing? Look no more!! Whether it is riding at the edge of the cliffhanger peering down at the sheer 2000 foot drops; or riding up to the next mirage, filled with hope, only to find out that your mind is playing games with your distorted senses as the tarmac under your wheels melts in the 47-degree heat; or following the legend of the Ganges as you ride from the source to the sea in an unforgettable journey of epic proportions.
All Information about our Xtreme Adventure Guided Motorcycle Tours is available on request. 

What Makes Us


Anyone can ride a bike from Place A to Place B, using a navigation device. But a ride with our tour guides, with their innate knowledge and acquired expertise of routes, culture, language, and history of the place; can prove to be the difference between a mere road trip, and an absolute adventure.


Motorcycle Touring in India is synonymous with Royal Enfield, an iconic larger-than-life symbol, and a brand that has withstood the test of time. We have a fleet of RE 500 cc motorcycles in distinctive orange and stealth black, customized to withstand the rigours of touring.

Support Squad

Be it the support-vehicle driver or the RE-trained and certified mechanic, the first-rate skills and proficiency of our support-crew ensure that our tours run like a well-oiled machine. Some of our tour guides pitch in with supplementary skills like First-Aid, CPR, and Bushcraft, to handle any contingency. 


Our crew uses Scala Packtalks to communicate, and customized maps to guide you on specially-devised scenic routes. All our hotels are hand-picked with an aim to provide a mix of quality and heritage accommodation for you.  Special attention is paid even to select quaint chai stops en route.  


Motorcycle touring requires a rare zeal, passion, and a slight streak of madness to ride in foreign lands among unfamiliar conditions. We do not believe in too much hand-holding as we are driven by the same passions as you and would love for you to have the adventure of a lifetime, without being straitjacketed. 

Secret Sauce

A kaleidoscope of colours, a medley of sounds, a smorgasbord of tastes, a melange of cultures. The special additive in our concoction will overwhelm all your senses, simultaneously. The land of Karma, Yoga, Ganga, Buddha, and Kamasutra. Come with us and discover Incredible India.

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